Frequently Asked Questions
What are the most important criteria for selection?
Research potential, critical thinking, and creativity
Who is eligible?
Due to limited funds, applications are currently limited to students from AJK who are enrolled in a PhD program in the life sciences in a public university in AJK or Pakistan.
How does the mentorship program work?
You will be matched with two scientists of global repute and extensive research experience from universities in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The mentors will meet with you virtually, at least twice a year, to discuss basics of innovative hypothesis driven research, how to maximize your research potential, and how to find and access research resources (such as discover and take advantage of networking opportunities, how to find a good host lab, how to look for funding sources, etc).
How will fellowship grantees receive their funds?
No funds will be paid directly to fellows, the funds will be distributed directly to the students' institute for semester fees and to lodgings for housing fees. All finances are non-refundable.